Thursday 17 March 2016

I'm having a bad day!

Today is one of those days where I phone my husband for some much needed sympathy.
It is the kind of day when I realise that being a mum of two is fucking hard and that I would really like to go back to work.
Sometimes motherhood isn't all pretty pictures and learning to walk. Sometimes it's your child crying and demanding soup whilst the other is screaming for a bottle, and you're trying your hardest to do both whilst simultaneously trying to put your shopping away and fighting the urge to pee yourself. As you can probably guess, this is what happened to me today. I had a wild 10 minutes when I got home and I felt like hiding away.  To top it all, my house was an absolute state because,  despite me saying no, Olivia made a huge den in the kitchen.
After the madness ended I took myself into the kitchen to make tea and my own lunch, to then find out I'd only gone and bought a fucking microwave burger for my lunch and my bastard microwave doesn't even work (cue meltdown. Major meltdown over a microwave burger).
Then, just as I sit down, Delilah fills her nappy and Olivia announces that she's hungry again. It's days like this that exhaust me emotionally.
It's also days like today that I feel awful for not appreciating my girls enough, and for not having as much patience as I'd like.
I'm 99% sure that I'm not the only person who has these days (at least I hope). I usually have some kind of teary meltdown in the bedroom, and beat myself up about not being as supermum as everyone else seems to be.

One thing I am good at though is bouncing back. I can have a major meltdown, then pull myself together and tell myself to straighten the motherfucking crown and get on with it.
I remind myself I'm amazing, caring, persistent and, most importantly, I'm only human.
It's OK to cry. It's OK have days where you can't handle your kids. You're still a good mum.
You know that little guilty feeling you have after you shout really loud at your toddler or after you shut yourself in your room and cry? The guilty feeling when you think your child has probably watched too much telly and not done enough crafty things today? Or when you give them another biscuit instead of encouraging an apple?
That guilty feeling is the little sign that your a good mum, regardless of your crazy stress-out days. You care and love way more than you realise and way more than you could ever imagine possible.
Trust me sister, you're not alone.

Besides,  it goes without saying that all this shit is completely forgotten the day your child comes home from nursery with a family portrait, or when your child tells you she loves you. That's the best part. Kids speak from the heart and are passionate about everything. So even when Olivia is being a complete shit, I love her unconditionally because she is her own little person with her own little mind.
Kelsey x

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