Thursday 24 March 2016

My fuck it bucket list

I've seen alot of people talking about a fuckit list, so I thought I'd make my own!
My fuck it bucket list isn't very big. It's just a couple of things I found I worried a little too much about.

I should probably start by saying that I'm not slating those who breastfeed in any way, and if you can breastfeed then you should!  There are so many benefits and I think you're a saint if you can stick to it!
I'm just saying, it's no big deal if you don't.
I tried, and failed, to breastfeed. I beat myself up about it for months, because I was so desperate to give my child what I thought was the only good food.
I look back now and realise it's really not a big deal, my daughter thrived off formula and has grown up an unfussy eater. So by the time I had my second I was confident in my decision that sometimes breast really isn't best.
Sometimes breast is extremely painful and stressful. Sometimes,  giving your child a bottle means you can share night feeds and not have to worry about your nipples feeling like gateways to fucking hell.
So don't beat yourself up about it if breastfeeding really isn't for you!

-Baby groups and baby massage-
With both babies I swore to myself I would socialise at the local babygroups and attend certain classes that would theoretically make me a better mum (bullshit).
I usually attend one or two then forget for the next six months.
Baby groups are brilliant if you're lonely, or bored, or want to learn a particular skill. But, if you decide to fuck them off, it's really no big deal.

-Timed feeds
The ever-so-delightful cluster feeding is how both of my girls decided to feed. For those of you that don't know, cluster feeding is drinking smaller amounts of milk closer together.  I'll admit, its a pain in the arse.
My girls were happy doing it this way and they were weaned easily, so it worked for us.
Don't let people tell you you're doing it wrong if your baby isn't feeding religiously every four hours! Where has this routine stemmed from? Its fucking bullshit. Do what you like. If your baby is feeding, that's all that matters.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is, don't let anyone make you think you're doing parenting wrong just because you're not doing it the same as them. Fuck em. That's what I say.

Kelsey x

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