Friday 25 March 2016

My inquisitive little human

I've been a little quiet because, in all honesty, I'm fucking knackered.
My brain probably looks like ones of my dads omlettes right now because Delilah has decided that she doesn't want to sleep. Like, ever. Crying has been her favourite past time for the past three days so as you can imagine, I've probably aged by at least 30 years.

So yesterday, in my tired desperation, I took the girls to the park with Crisps to watch the circus tent being put up.
It's times like this that I realise how different our minds work as we get older.
As I sat there wondering how I'm going to pay my phone bill, Olivia watched in awe as the tent slowly took shape. She truly appreciated everything around her in this moment and I couldn't help but love her a little more for being such an innocent, inquisitive little human.
Maybe this is why she asks so many random questions; because she notices more than I do. The world is so new to her still,  and she has so much to experience.
I forget this alot, so the other day when Olivia asked me to show her over the wall where the train tracks are I was genuinely surprised at how amazed she was.

She then made up a game, in which we had to guess what caravan the clown lives in. Naturally, all my guesses were wrong.
Olivia even took the opportunity to ask me one of her extra special questions that she likes to save for when my brain is extra fucking frazzled; "Mummy,  why is it called a circus?" "How old is the clown?" "where is the clowns mum?"

So, two hours later, Delilah finally had a nap, Olivia laid on the sofa picking her nose and watching peppa pig and I sat and googled about circuses.
(FYI, the word circus has something to do with the word circle, where all the acts are performed in the tent. You're welcome)

Kelsey x

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