Thursday 2 June 2016

Mummy's workout

I keep seeing videos of really fit mums with 2-3 kids, doing a workout that involves their kids. You know the ones I'm on about right? The ones where they do really cute things like squats with their kids or planks with the kids on their back.
First of all, the planks are really hard. Secondly, Olivia is a bit of a wrestling expert and she turns all hulk hogan on me as soon as I get into plank position.
So, at the moment, my home workouts are far from YouTube material.

Today's workout was a perfect example, so I've listed the steps of my workout that probably should have taken half the time :

- Spend 10 minutes clearing all the toys and picking up 2838595947 pencils that Olivia has sprinkled around, then listen to her break down because I tidied up her friends (the pencils)

- Spend a further 10 minutes hoovering the rug because Olivia has just charged in with a cup full of crushed Crisps, tripped on her own two feet and dropped them everywhere

- Area is finally ready. Pick up weights and attempt to start on your arms.

- 30 seconds into the workout Olivia announces that she needs a poo and she can't open the door. Open door and return to workout.

- 2 minutes later, Olivia comes into the room and announces that she has dropped her friend in the toilet. Go to bathroom to sort situation and discover that Olivia's friend is imaginary and there is nothing in the toilet that needs saving.

-Return to workout. What the fuck is that smell?!
Baby has shit. Lovely.

-Quickly change nappy and proceed to workout.

-Crunches! I'm pretty good at these! Get into position and start ploughing through them before I'm required elsewhere.

-Olivia starts climbing under my legs and saying "this is my tunnel. I am a rabbit and I live in a hole", followed by "Mummy your bum us really big and it's in the way of my rabbit bed"..  Cheers babe 👍

-Finish crunches, start planking.
Plank for ten seconds, then experience your 3 year old complete a running seat-drop onto your back. Ouch. "Mummy your the dolphin and I'm the child!".

- Stand up,  put weights away before someone trips and loses a toe.

- Turn around amd discover 3 year old drinking your water with a mouthful of mini cheddars. Water now looks like the river Thames.

-Make fresh water, sit down and decide to finish workout later when the girls are in bed.

Typically,  the minute I sat down, Delilah fell asleep and Olivia went upstairs and started fighting monsters with her sword and sheild. So now I'm sat here in silence,  with all the space in the world!

I'm going to see the positive in this though!  I still fit a workout in regardless!
Sometimes, having kids is a bigger challenge than even 1000 crunches, but I try my fucking hardest and that's all that matters. Even if it means sharing my water after a mini cheddar attack.

Kelsey x

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